“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence. It is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”


Audrey Lorde

Explore Our Services.

Individual Therapy

$175-$200 per session

Our relationships with ourselves should be the most sacred.

Individual therapy is about building a compassionate and empowered relationship with yourself as you learn more about the power of self-care, how you show up in different spaces, and explore your intersecting identities further so that you can become more unapologetically YOU.

Couples Therapy

$225-$250 per session

Everything we learn about ourselves is in relation to others, and all relationships require constant work.

Couples therapy allows you to deepen your understanding of how you engage in intimate relationship(s). We will help you enrich your intimate relationship(s) by vulnerably exploring difficult topics—such as your daily needs, desires, complex trauma, cultural and racial differences, your patterns of fighting and healing, sexual intimacy, and family of origin issues—in a safe, honest, & calm space.

Family Therapy

$225-$250 per session

There is no healing individually without healing the family system.

Our families of origin are where we learn our first ideas about how we relate to others and the rest of the world. Family therapy can help you dig down to the roots of your complex dynamics and heal together as a whole—whether it’s through learning to set stronger boundaries, expressing your emotions from a grounded place, or sharing your needs so that you can cultivate a healthier, deeper, and non-judgmental understanding of yourselves and each other.

Group Therapy

$50-$100 per session

Change will never come without discomfort, so get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Group therapy is where we apply all the individual, relationship, and family tools we have learned and continue to practice unlearning old patterns while mapping new ones. We are excited to grow with you!

Wellness Coaching

$200/hour private pay only

For anyone living outside of Illinois

When life gives you too many lemons OR road blocks, the only way out is to go through.

Sometimes life feels like one giant roadblock and you’re not sure where to go or what to do next. Wellness coaching will help you find the guidance and support you need to meet your goals when you are feeling stuck. Let’s collaborate on how we can reach those goals now!

Diversity & Equity Training/Consulting

$300/hour private pay only

For anyone in any state/country

Discussions about difference are meant to bring discomfort—and this discomfort brings growth.

It is always hard to talk about difference. Our consultations and trainings can give you the guidance, tangible tools, and resources required to facilitate change and growth in your daily life, company, and community. We are here to support that change!

Reach out to michelle@foodforhearttherapy.com or your therapist of choice for more information.