Harassment policy.

FOOD FOR HEART THERAPY, PLLC (FHT) is committed to promoting and maintaining a workspace that feels safe and comfortable for all clients, employees, contractors, and students. This means that we take all forms of harassment seriously. If you feel you have been harassed by any member of our professional community, or by a client, please discuss it with your supervisor, Michelle Ahmed, or reach out to the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR)—whoever you feel most comfortable with. The complaint will be processed and handled based on this policy.

Sexual Harassment training will occur each year and all W2 employees will be mandated to attend. The training will emphasize this policy.

FHT is committed to providing a therapy and workplace that is free of discrimination, harassment, bullying and other offensive behaviors. All employees are expected to support this commitment by treating everyone they interact with through work, both internally and externally, in a way that is consistent with both the intent and spirit of this policy. Acceptable behaviors include being courteous and considerate of others, working cooperatively and maintaining confidentiality in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois and federal HIPPA laws.

As therapists, we often work with people who are struggling with their behaviors, emotions and thoughts. This does not mean, however, that any of us has to tolerate abusive harassment from a client. Understanding and identifying abusive, harassing, or bullying behavior can sometimes be challenging in a mental health relationship. FHT encourages our therapists to discuss any episodes that come close to feeling abusive, or harassing with your supervisor, or Michelle Ahmed.

In line with this commitment, FHT prohibits discrimination or harassment of its clients by therapists, and employees by another employee, supervisor/manager/leader, or third party for any reason including, but not limited to a person’s: race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, genetic information, military status, sexual orientation, marital status, citizenship status, order of protection status, homelessness, gender identity, arrest record, victim of domestic violence, common conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth or any other characteristic protected by law.

This policy applies to applicants for employment, all employees including temporary workers or independent contractors, and any other person associated with FHT, including business partners, clients, and visitors. It applies not only to the workplace during normal business hours, but also to all work-related social functions, whether on or off the company premises, and business-related travel.

This policy extends to all work-related interactions, whether in person, via telephone, in writing or through electronic communications such as e-mail, text messages, instant messages, blogs, electronic conferencing and social media postings regardless of whether they are made through a computer, cell phone, or other electronic device or medium.

Harassment includes any unwelcome behavior that is offensive, abusive, threatening, intimidating, humiliating or degrading to another individual. The behavior can be verbal, written, visual, or physical and can arise out of in-person or electronic communications. While harassment may be based on protected class status, other offensive behavior that impairs morale, and interferes with work effectiveness, including jokes and teasing, are also prohibited by this policy.

One type of harassment is sexual harassment. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual behavior by either men or women toward either men or women. It also includes sex-based harassment directed at someone because of their gender. Examples of sexual harassment or other harassing or offensive behaviors include, but are not limited to:

  • sexual and other offensive jokes told in person or through any
    electronic device,

  • sexual innuendo, language or images sent through texts, instant
    messages, e-mail or other electronic device (“sexting”),

  • intimidation, sabotaging, physical assaults or threats,

  • slurs, epithets or name calling,

  • posting offensive messages on social media sites,

  • unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances or propositions,

  • ridicule, mockery, insults or put-downs told in person or through any electronic device

  • physically displaying or sending discriminatory, sexually suggestive orother offensive objects or pictures, including photos, posters,
    calendars, graffiti, drawings and cartoons or language, including jokes, through any medium, including electronically, in person, interoffice mail, or any other manner,

  • interference with work performance,

  • leering, staring, unwelcome touching or physical closeness, and using Company-provided electronic devices (including computers, pagers, and cell phones) to view, display or distribute pornography or other offensive content.

No one will be denied or given employment opportunities based on going along with or rejecting sexual advances or any other behavior prohibited by the policy.

Employees or clients who report harassment or who assist in the investigation of a complaint of harassment will not be subject to retaliation, intimidation or reprisals of any kind. Any employee who engages in these behaviors against a client or another employee because of a complaint under this policy will be subject to corrective action.

Any individual who has experienced or observed harassment or offensive behavior by anyone during the course of their employment, should feel free to ask the person to stop at once if they feel comfortable in doing so. All employees, however, are strongly encouraged to report the behavior to Administration even if they intend to respond to the person themselves. This is important in order for the company to address the issue. Supervisors, managers, and directors must promptly advise the Owner of all harassment or offensive behavior either observed or brought to their attention by others.

In addition, employees have the right to file a harassment complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The time limit for filing such a complaint with the EEOC is 180 days; the filing deadline may be increased to 300 days if the claim is also covered by a state or local discrimination law.

Reports of offensive behavior and harassment will be promptly investigated in as discreet a manner as possible. Anyone found to have violated this policy will be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination of employment.

All managers and supervisors are responsible for the implementation of this policy and for ensuring that employees know and understand this policy. All employees will be held responsible and accountable for eliminating prohibited conduct.

Questions regarding this policy should be addressed directly to the Owner who has the overall responsibility for investigating and resolving harassment complaints at FHT.

FHT is committed to accomplishing the goals of this policy and expects all employees to do the same. By working together, FHT will be a positive and productive therapy and work environment for everyone.